

World War I saw great activity in the Seattle sign business from which sprung Foley Sign Company in 1923 with Fred Foley as its proprietor. Fred Foley’s company became an eminent fixture in the Seattle sign industry throughout the first part of the twentieth century. Fred’s list of accomplished workers included the most talented journeymen of that era, including Thor Torkelson and Norris Nanghton.

In 1964, Kellogg Metcalf purchased Foley Sign Company, keeping the goodwill of the name. This later part of the century brought many changes to the sign industry. While FSC kept pace with the advent of the computer age the company still continued to attract the most gifted journeymen and was able to provide the top level quality and service that the company had become known for. Currently at the helm of Foley Sign Company is Mark Metcalf who ushered the company into the new millennium continuing to implement the same business mantra.

For over 85 years, Foley Sign Company has contributed a more distinctive graphic look in signs. FSC has offered a continual service to its northwest customers with special emphasis on the latest techniques in the sign industry. Throughout all these changes within the industry there has been constant within the firm: the skilled union work force matched par none within the area. Mark Metcalf and Foley Sign Company are as always striving for a continuous quest for new concepts in the design, manufacturing and installation of commercial non-electrical architectural signs.



Foley Sign Company is a full union sign shop and a member of Local No. 1094, Paint Makers, Sign, Display, Truck Painters & Allied Trades. FSC job classifications comprise of journeymen sign painters, sign hangers & construction, screen printers and spray painters. Our experienced employees ensure the best quality and service to our customers.

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3412 16th Ave. W. Seattle, WA 98119


© 2020 Steve Centioli